
Portraits become heirlooms. That is why I craft all of my work to superior standards of archival permanence and quality with an emphasis on aesthetic excellence. At its foundation, portraiture is a collaboration between subject and artist. It is preferable for a painter to work directly from life and, if at all possible, that route should be the first consideration.


All of the portraits begin with a series of photographs taken by the artist in your home or office. János advises each subject to help find clothing and accessories that captures their personal aesthetic in order to create a one of a kind portrait that blends modernity and timelessness.

expecting mother
expecting mother (oil on canvas, 50×60 cm)
a girl from Edinburgh (oil on canvas, 50×60 cm)
Guido (allaprima oil sketch)
commissioned portrait (oil on canvas, 50×60 cm)
commissioned portrait (oil on canvas, 50×60 cm)
commissioned portrait (oil on canvas, 40×50 cm)
commissioned portrait (oil on canvas, 50×60 cm)

For all information regarding art availability, commissioning and pricing:

Marianna Kruzsely – Milano, Italy
Phone: 0039 349 603 6442
Réka Dubovitz – Miami Beach, Florida
Phone: (786)212 4129

János Zoltán Kovács – Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36 20 454 0609

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